Get on the (Insta)Pot

If you have not added this to your life, please go buy one HERE. If you cook even a little bit, this is for you. If you don’t cook at all, this is for you. I couldn’t make a meal taste good to save my life (especially during those vegan days)…but this helps A LOT. Just read the directions, it’s a PRESSURE COOKER. You could get hurt. And I can’t be held responsible.

The whole point of the Instapot is to cook things FAST and EASY. So, here is your easy guide:

Step 1: Get a Recipe. I am certainly no recipe-tester so my favorite go-to Instapot blog is April at WWW.MAMALOVESFOOD.COM and more importantly, this LINK goes directly the Instapot stuff.

Step 2: Figure out how to get your groceries delivered from your local store or Amazon!

Step 3: Dump in the ingredients.

Step 4: Press a few buttons (see recipe).

Step 5: Walk away.

Step 6: (DANGER) Walk back and make sure it either pressure released on it’s own or turn the valve with wooden spoon while standing back. Again, you could get hurt with this step!

Step 7: Feed your family and listen to only approximately 25% of the usual complaints! Success!

This is definitely about being “good enough” and this is the #1 item in my kitchen that falls into this category perfectly.

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