
Thank you for your interest in cellular transformation! Working as a Health Coach for the past four years has taught me so much. We all have an innate intelligence inside of us that is constantly working. Our body is designed to be in a perfect state of homeostasis. Unfortunately, we tend to get in the way. Our own resistance as well as environmental factors can play a huge roll. Heavy metal detox came into my life over two years ago and shifted things significantly. Getting the cells to open up and release accumulated toxins allowed my body to go back to functioning as it should. At 48, I have never felt better mentally or physically. My mindset is that it should just keep getting better and better! I will not subscribe to the often said mantra “it’s hell to get old,” I only think it must be hell to feel old!

Since my early teens, I’ve been fascinated with the different levels of health and wellbeing. At that time in my life, however, eating right and exercising was admittedly mostly for vanity. Crash “Slim Fast” style diets ensued in college before Spring Break vacations. And what I barely thought about was my emotional wellbeing. In my early 30s, facing my first divorce with two little girls, I learned of the Law of Attraction. It completely floored me that I was actually in charge of my own life…and (big sigh) that I might have something to do with the things going wrong in it! That was the beginning of my mental shift. We are in charge of our lives and can do something about it, if we choose.

After many years, I realize that the chemical, physical and emotional components go hand it hand. We need to fix our bodies at the cellular level. My goal, first and foremost, is to help you remove the interferences. Fortunately for us, the body and mind have a perseverance that won’t stop. Our bodies want to get back to that state of optimal health. We are constantly supported in life, wherever we are…sometimes we just need to look for the good. Working with busy professionals (and often their families) is where I focus my energy. We can and should take control of our own health, sooner than later. When we work with our cells, getting rid of the bad and nourishing the good, our body tends to take over and heal on it’s own. Drop me a line or book a consult so we can get you started: https://calendly.com/katiemaatta

XO, Katie

(480) 625-6755


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