Ultimate five

Simple Life-Changing Daily Activities…

  1. Meditate upon waking

Go ahead and start slow…even just 5 minutes at first and you can work your way up to 20-30 minutes. Set your alarm for that much earlier. I sit myself up in bed, prop myself on a pillow with my legs lower than my hips and close my eyes. My spine is erect, my hands are laying one on top of the other in my lap and my mind is open. There is no judgement, no good meditations or bad meditations, I just sit and observe. It’s my time to listen to the universe. When you quiet the mind, you stop the lower vibration and rise to a higher vibration. Right upon waking, you have a better chance of being in the elusive Theta brainwave state.  

  1. Smile in the mirror

Silly, right? But why not? I smile at most people that I see in a friendly way, and now I smile at myself the first time I look in the mirror in the morning. This instantly puts me in a good mood and it’s completely easy and free. Follow it up with an “I love you” for serious bonus points!

  1. Five Tibetan Rites

This is something I started after reading Peter Kelder’s book The Eye of Revelation (thanks to a suggestion from James Nestor in his book Breath). Each of the 5 exercises are performed just 3 times in the first week. Then you increase by 2 every week, eventually holding at 21 reps/each. They are simple and relatively easy. Known as The Fountain of Youth, I practice these at least 6 times per week. In order to see how these are done, please contact me!

  1. Journaling

See what you can find out about yourself by free-writing everyday. No one else is meant to read it so put your thoughts down and learn about yourself! Write what you like, what you appreciate, what you don’t like, what you want to do, what you’ll never do…there is no limit to what can flow out of you. I promise you’ll learn something about yourself if you give this a try. One page minimum!

  1. Grounding

Before I started grounding, I couldn’t remember the last time my bare feet had directly touched the earth. Now I either stand, sit, or walk around with bare feet connecting directly to the gravel, grass, or sand. This is grounding. This is healing. This is where we come from and where we go back to. The connection is worth the 5 minutes. It’s also one of the reasons we love our animals’ energies so much. They are constantly grounded. I also cheat a bit and sleep on a grounding mat every night. 

Have a happy day!

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