Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy metal detoxification is a crucial process for maintaining optimal health.

I’m sick of being sick and tired.

When I meet clients, they often don’t know why they are chronically fatigued, have constant joint pain, are all of the sudden sensitive to noises and smells or why their hair is falling out. They have also seen one or more specialists without gaining any specific answers, just more prescriptions. There are many factors that contribute to the decline of health. The toxins we are continually exposed to are at the top of the list.

We Help You Stay Healthy

Heavy Metal Detox

Heavy metal detoxification is a crucial process for maintaining optimal health. Exposure to heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and aluminum over decades of your life, can have detrimental effects on the body. These metals are ubiquitous in the environment; found in air, water, soil, and even consumer products. While the body has mechanisms to eliminate these toxins naturally, chronic exposure or accumulation can overwhelm these processes, leading to various health issues.

Disrupted Biological Processes

Heavy metals can disrupt essential biological processes, such as enzyme function and hormone regulation, leading to

  • Malfunctioning cells
  • Oxidative stress
  • Inflammation
  • Tissue damage
  • Long-term exposure has been linked to

    • Neurological disorders
    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Problems with reproduction
    • Kidney damage
    • Liver failure
    • Weight loss resistance
    • Loss of lung function
    • Cancer
    • And more…

    By facilitating the removal of these substances from the body, detoxification protocols aim to reduce the risk of such health complications and promote overall well-being.

    Strategies including chelation therapy, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications can mitigate the adverse effects of heavy metal exposure and support the body’s natural detoxification processes. I work with professionals who feel they do not have the time to focus on their health, but know they need to. My program will include coaching, teaching, supplements, and simplifying the art and science of detox. You will learn chelation and nutrition along the way to detoxify and purify your cells to transform from the inside out.

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